all codes ported/fixed by eighthdayregret
I tried to keep LunaMoo's notes and code names intact, except for grammatical mistakes, what wasn't necessary, and what would not fit in CWCheat's 35 character limit. They remain in the same order as in the forum post, and notation was moved to the bottom of the codelist, in my typical format.
LunaMoo's codes on PPSSPP forums
Japanese CWCheat wiki
Ethereal Games codes (unknown author)
_S ULUS-10528
_G Gladiator Begins [USA]
<* Codes*>
_C0 Always Max Money
_L 0x20140418 0xAC860000
_C0 Disable Always Max Money
_L 0x20140418 0x0E250045
_C0 No Ability Limit
_L 0x20173770 0x00000000
_L 0x2017378C 0x00000000
_C0 Disable No Ability Limit
_L 0x20173770 0x14400020
_L 0x2017378C 0x1440001C
_C0 No AP Cost
_L 0x201737B4 0x00601023
_C0 Disable No AP Cost
_L 0x201737B4 0x00641023
_C0 No SP Cost
_L 0x2016C268 0x00000000
_C0 Disable No SP Cost
_L 0x2016C268 0xAC730024
_C0 Inf Retries
_L 0x002A3950 0x00000063
_C0 Max Spectator Gauge
_L 0x2006185C 0xE6230040
_C0 Disable Max Spectator Gauge
_L 0x2006185C 0xE6200040
_C0 Disable Timer
_L 0x2008D678 0x00000000
_C0 Enable Timer
_L 0x2008D678 0xE64C07B0
<*Ethereal Games Codes*>
_C0 Inf AP
_L 0x102A3720 0x0000270F
_C0 Inf Stamina
_L 0x200D0FF4 0x00000000
_C0 Disable Inf Stamina
_L 0x200D0FF4 0x45030001
<*LunaMoo's Codes*>
_C0 All Equipment in Shops
_L 0x20167248 0x00000000
_C0 Disable All Equipment in Shops
_L 0x20167248 0x5440FFDE
_C0 Refining Cheat (1/2) [OPTION]
_L 0x20150D08 0x00000000
_L 0x201510E8 0x00000000
_L 0x20150BCC 0x0A200800
_L 0x20002004 0x449B0000
_L 0x2000200C 0x449B1800
_L 0x20002014 0x0A2542F7
_L 0x20002018 0x449B2000
_L 0x20150EF8 0x00000000
_L 0x20150F34 0x00000000
_L 0x20150F88 0x00000000
_L 0x20150C60 0x0A200808
_L 0x20002024 0x0A25431A
_L 0x20002028 0x449B0800
_L 0x20151108 0x00000000
_L 0x20150D1C 0x00000000
_L 0x201643A0 0x1000011F
_L 0x20150F84 0x10000038
_L 0x20164388 0x00000000
_L 0x201647C0 0x00000000
_L 0x20164600 0x34030000
_L 0x201647D8 0x00000000
_L 0x201511C0 0x00000000
_L 0x201511C8 0x00000000
_L 0x201511D0 0x00000000
_L 0x20151190 0x00000000
_L 0x20151198 0x00000000
_L 0x201511A0 0x00000000
_L 0x201510AC 0x00000000
_L 0x201510B8 0x00000000
_L 0x20150FF8 0x00000000
_C0 Refining Cheat (2/2) [OPTION]
_L 0x201510C0 0x00000000
_L 0x201510D0 0x00000000
_C0 - [Max VIT]
_L 0x20150BB8 0x340C0001
_L 0x20150BBC 0x340D0001
_L 0x20150BC0 0x340E0001
_L 0x20150BE0 0x340B0001
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1B40A0
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1B4248
_C0 - [Max END]
_L 0x20150BB8 0x340C0002
_L 0x20150BBC 0x340D0002
_L 0x20150BC0 0x340E0002
_L 0x20150BE0 0x340B0002
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1B40A0
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1B4248
_C0 - [Max STR]
_L 0x20150BB8 0x340C0003
_L 0x20150BBC 0x340D0003
_L 0x20150BC0 0x340E0003
_L 0x20150BE0 0x340B0003
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1B40A0
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1B4248
_C0 Disable Refining Cheat
_L 0x20150BB8 0x8E2C00D4
_L 0x20150BBC 0x8E2D00D8
_L 0x20150BC0 0x8E2E00DC
_L 0x20150BE0 0x8E2B00E0
_L 0x20150BCC 0xC62000AC
_L 0x20150C60 0xC62100E4
_L 0x20150D08 0xAD6200D4
_L 0x20150EF8 0xE60100AC
_L 0x20150F34 0xE60100B8
_L 0x20150F88 0xE60000C0
_L 0x201510E8 0xAE0400E0
_L 0x20151108 0xE60000E4
_L 0x20150D1C 0x5062010D
_L 0x201643A0 0x5440011F
_L 0x20150F84 0x10800038
_L 0x20164388 0x108200B9
_L 0x201647C0 0x0E2510BC
_L 0x20164600 0x0064182A
_L 0x201647D8 0x00A22823
_L 0x201511C0 0xAE0200E0
_L 0x201511C8 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201511D0 0xE60100E4
_L 0x20151190 0xE60100E4
_L 0x20151198 0xE60000E4
_L 0x201511A0 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201510AC 0xAE0200E0
_L 0x201510B8 0xAE0400E0
_L 0x20150FF8 0xE60000E4
_L 0x201510C0 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201510D0 0xE60100E4
_C0 No Skill Reinforce Limit [1]
_L 0x2016C1FC 0x2C42270F
_L 0x2016C224 0x00000000
_C0 Disable No Skill Reinf Limit
_L 0x2016C1FC 0x2C42001E
_L 0x2016C224 0x0660FFE9
_C0 No Ability Reinforce Limit
_L 0x20173770 0x00000000
_L 0x2017378C 0x00000000
_L 0x201737B4 0x00601021
_L 0x20173840 0x34020001
_L 0x20173890 0x34020001
_L 0x201738E8 0x34020001
_C0 Disable No Ability Reinf Limit
_L 0x20173770 0x14400020
_L 0x2017378C 0x1440001C
_L 0x201737B4 0x00641023
_L 0x20173840 0x8C42000C
_L 0x20173890 0x8C42001C
_L 0x201738E8 0x8C420014
_C0 Free Shop/Doctor
_L 0x20163C68 0x0060A021
_L 0x20185FD8 0x00000000
_L 0x201318B0 0x00001021
_L 0x20130C88 0x00000000
_C0 Disable Free Shop/Doctor
_L 0x20163C68 0x0073A023
_L 0x20185FD8 0xAC85023C
_L 0x201318B0 0x8E220054
_L 0x20130C88 0x00431023
_C0 Rank multiplier [2]
_L 0x201690B8 0x0A200820
_L 0x201690BC 0xAE51003C
_L 0x20002080 0x00021xxx
_L 0x20002084 0x0A25A430
_L 0x20002088 0x00621821
_C0 Disable Rank multiplier
_L 0x201690B8 0xAE51003C
_L 0x201690BC 0x00621821
_C0 Inf Stamina (Alt)
_L 0x200D0FD0 0x460E0000
_C0 Disable Inf Stamina (Alt)
_L 0x200D0FD0 0x460C0000
_C0 Always Day 1
_L 0x20186098 0x00000000
_C0 Disable Always Day 1
_L 0x20186098 0x00651821
_C0 Quick Skill Level Gain [3]
_L 0x200DD210 0x3C1Bxxxx
_L 0x200DD218 0x449BA000
_C0 Disable Quick Skill Level Gain
_L 0x200DD210 0x4600A502
_L 0x200DD218 0x4601A500
_C0 Freeze Timer
_L 0x2008D670 0x46000306
_C0 Disable Freeze Timer
_L 0x2008D670 0x46140300
_C0 Double Rating Gain
_L 0x20061854 0x46001000
_C0 Disable Double Rating Gain
_L 0x20061854 0x00000000
_C0 Instant Freedom
_L 0x20186008 0x00000000
_C0 Disable Instant Freedom
_L 0x20186008 0x10400005
_C0 Instant Nicknames [4]
_L 0x2012CFCC 0x24020023
_L 0x20185CE8 0x340200C8
_L 0x20185CEC 0xA0620177
_L 0x2012D470 0x24020035
_L 0x20185D14 0x340200C8
_L 0x20185D18 0xA08201B2
_C0 Disable Instant Nicknames
_L 0x2012CFCC 0x24020040
_L 0x20185CE8 0x2C4200C8
_L 0x20185CEC 0x38420001
_L 0x2012D470 0x24020040
_L 0x20185D14 0x2C4200C8
_L 0x20185D18 0x38420001
_C0 X Retries Left [5]
_L 0x2011AE68 0x340200xx
_L 0x2011AE6C 0x00408821
_L 0x2011AE70 0xAC820310
_L 0x2011AE78 0x02002021
_C0 Disable X Retries Left
_L 0x2011AE68 0x00408821
_L 0x2011AE6C 0x0440FFF1
_L 0x2011AE70 0x02002021
_L 0x2011AE78 0x00000000
_C0 +----------------------------+
_C0 | [OPTION] |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | Requires one of the chosen |
_C0 | ones below, also this |
_C0 | allows refining any item |
_C0 | (even white) with itself. |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | I actually limit this to |
_C0 | 9999(0x270F) to make it |
_C0 | safe and because it's bor- |
_C0 | ing to set it higher, any- |
_C0 | way. Pool of points is |
_C0 | still affected, but since |
_C0 | game does not display neg- |
_C0 | ative values, they'll look |
_C0 | as positive. |
_C0 | Important: Before disab- |
_C0 | ling this cheat, just to |
_C0 | be safe you might want to |
_C0 | set your skills to valid |
_C0 | levels, although this game |
_C0 | doesn't seem to care much. |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | xxx= |
_C0 | 040 - x2 100 - x16 |
_C0 | 080 - x4 140 - x32 |
_C0 | 0C0 - x8 180 - x64 |
_C0 | |
_C0 | I don't know if game will |
_C0 | be happy if you earn more |
_C0 | than one rank in a row, so |
_C0 | if you don't want to break |
_C0 | your save, do not use very |
_C0 | high multiplier too early |
_C0 | in the game. |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | xxxx= |
_C0 | 4080 = x4 42C8 = x100 |
_C0 | 41A0 = x20 43FA = x500 |
_C0 | |
_C0 | With x500 you can get max |
_C0 | level(50) in any technique |
_C0 | or stance during a single |
_C0 | survival match. |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | If you want the "Unknown" |
_C0 | prefix change 24020023 to |
_C0 | 24020024. Do not try any |
_C0 | higher numbers, because |
_C0 | other empty prefixes and |
_C0 | nicknames are not named |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | [5] X RETRIES LEFT |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | Change xx to any number, |
_C0 | and next time the number |
_C0 | is displayed, the value |
_C0 | will be saved. |
_C0 +----------------------------+