Rapid fire does not work the same way in this version as on MAME, since the PSP's button inputs don't autorepeat. I opted, instead, to make it so weapons that have slower fire rates (Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, etc.) are capable of firing very quickly. If you wanna just hold a button down, you'll hafta get Macrofire, set up your button delays, and deal with how well that works with the disgusting amount of slowdown in this game. Just like on MAME, the Body Type code is glitchy and doesn't exactly work properly. It is included because... why the fuck not?
_S NPUH-10120
_G NeoGeo Station #15: Metal Slug 2
_C0 Enable Red Blood
_L 0x016D0FDE 0x00000001
_C0 Inf. Time
_L 0x016C2605 0x00000063
_C0 Select Starting Mission [1]
_L 0xD16CD56E 0x20000000
_L 0x016CD56E 0x000000xx
_C0 Start at Final Boss
_L 0xD16CD56E 0x20000000
_L 0x016CD56E 0x00000005
_L 0x016CD570 0x00000002
_C0 Complete This Level Now [2]
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000018
_L 0x016CD56C 0x000000FF
_C0 Go to Final Boss Now [3]
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000048
_L 0x016CD56C 0x000000FF
_L 0x016CD56E 0x00000005
_L 0x016CD570 0x00000002
_C0 P1 Inf. Credits
_L 0x016C1255 0x00000099
_C0 P1 Inf. Lives
_L 0x016C24C7 0x00000063
_C0 P1 Invincibility
_L 0x016C2766 0x00000064
_C0 P1 Rapid Fire (Weap.)
_L 0x016CD593 0x00000000
_C0 P1 Rapid Fire (Gren.)
_L 0x016CD591 0x00000000
_C0 P1 Inf. Ammo
_L 0x016CD59C 0x0000FFFF
_C0 P1 Inf. Grenades
_L 0x116CD599 0x00000063
_C0 P1 Inf. Bombs (M. Slug)
_L 0x016CFAF0 0x00000063
_C0 P1 Inf. Vehicle Energy
_L 0x016CFAEA 0x00000030
_C0 P1 Body Type Select [4]
_L 0x016C2774 0x000000xx
_C0 P1 Weapon Select [5]
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000110
_L 0x016CD597 0x000000FF
_L 0x016C2774 0x00000000
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000120
_L 0x016CD597 0x00000000
_L 0x016C2774 0x00000001
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000140
_L 0x016CD597 0x00000001
_L 0x016C2774 0x00000001
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000180
_L 0x016CD597 0x00000002
_L 0x016C2774 0x00000001
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000210
_L 0x016CD597 0x00000003
_L 0x016C2774 0x00000001
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000220
_L 0x016CD597 0x00000004
_L 0x016C2774 0x00000001
_C0 P1 Grenade Select [6]
_L 0x116CD59B 0x000000xx
_C0 P2 Inf. Credits
_L 0x016C1254 0x00000099
_C0 P2 Inf. Lives
_L 0x016C256F 0x00000063
_C0 P2 Invincibility
_L 0x016C280E 0x00000064
_C0 P2 Rapid Fire (Weap.)
_L 0x016CD592 0x00000000
_C0 P2 Rapid Fire (Gren.)
_L 0x016CD590 0x00000000
_C0 P2 Inf. Ammo
_L 0x016CD59E 0x000000FF
_L 0x016CD59F 0x000000FF
_C0 P2 Inf. Grenades
_L 0x016CD598 0x00000063
_C0 P2 Inf. Bombs (M. Slug)
_L 0x016CFB14 0x00000063
_C0 P2 Inf. Vehicle Energy
_L 0x016CFB0E 0x00000030
_C0 P2 Body Type Select [4]
_L 0x016C281C 0x00000002
_C0 P2 Weapon Select [5]
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000110
_L 0x016CD596 0x000000FF
_L 0x016C281C 0x00000000
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000120
_L 0x016CD596 0x00000000
_L 0x016C281C 0x00000001
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000140
_L 0x016CD596 0x00000001
_L 0x016C281C 0x00000001
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000180
_L 0x016CD596 0x00000002
_L 0x016C281C 0x00000001
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000210
_L 0x016CD596 0x00000003
_L 0x016C281C 0x00000001
_L 0xD0000001 0x10000220
_L 0x016CD596 0x00000004
_L 0x016C281C 0x00000001
_C0 P2 Grenade Select [6]
_L 0x016CD59A 0x000000xx
_C0 Enable Debug Dip Options [7]
_L 0x016D0FD3 0x00000000
_L 0x016C22E8 0x00000001
_L 0x116D0250 0x0000xxxx
_C0 +----------------------------+
_C0 | [1] Mission Select |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | Use this cheat on the |
_C0 | soldier/character select- |
_C0 | ion screen to select star- |
_C0 | ting mission. Use it dur- |
_C0 | ing a mission to select |
_C0 | the next. |
_C0 +----------------------------+
_C0 | [2] End This Level Now |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | Press UP+START |
_C0 +----------------------------+
_C0 | [3] Go to Final Boss Now |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | Press DOWN+START |
_C0 +----------------------------|
_C0 | [4] Body Type Select |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | 00 - Normal |
_C0 | 02 - Bloater |
_C0 | 03 - Zombie |
_C0 +----------------------------+
_C0 | [5] Weapon Select |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | L+UP - Normal |
_C0 | L+RIGHT - Shotgun |
_C0 | L+DOWN - Rocket Launcher |
_C0 | L+LEFT - Flamer |
_C0 | R+UP - H. Machine Gun |
_C0 | R+RIGHT - Laser |
_C0 +----------------------------+
_C0 | [6] Grenade Select |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | 01 - Bomb |
_C0 | 02 - Fire |
_C0 +----------------------------+
_C0 | [7] Enable Debug Dip... |
_C0 | -------------------------- |
_C0 | 8000 - Invincibility |
_C0 | 0100 - View Debug Info |
_C0 | 0004 - Infinite Grenades |
_C0 | 0008 - Infinite Ammo |
_C0 | 0001 - Press D to kill all |
_C0 | onscreen enemies. |
_C0 +----------------------------+