Tuesday, May 12, 2020

[PCSE00958] Garou: Mark of the Wolves (PSN/NoNPDRM) Vitacheat Codes

# PCSE00958
# Title: Garou: Mark of the Wolves
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.03
# Type: PSN/NoNpDrm
# Code Author: eighthdayregret
# Source: https://eighthsregrets.blogspot.com/2020/05/pcse00958-garou-mark-of-wolves.html
#NOTE: Codes require z05/z06beta and 3.65+ firmware due to B200 codes.

_V0 Inf Time
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00EDC9A9 00000090

_V0 Stage Select 0-D
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00EDC94C 00000000

_V0 Current Match is Final
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00EDC950 00000008

_V0 P1 - Char Select 0-D
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00EDC942 00000000

_V0 P1 - Color Select 0-3
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00EDC94B 00000000

_V0 P1 - Inf Energy
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00ED59A7 00000078

_V0 P1 - Inf Power
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00ED59D7 00000080

_V0 P1 - Rounds Won
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00EDC98D 00000000

_V0 CPU - No Energy
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00ED5AA7 00000000

_V0 UP+START to Drain CPU Energy
$C202 00000000 00000018
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00ED5AA7 00000000

_V0 CPU - No Power
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00ED5AD7 00000000

_V0 LEFT+START to Win Round
$C203 00000000 00000088
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00EDC9A9 00000000
$0000 00ED5AA7 00000000

_V0 RIGHT+START to Win Match
$C204 00000000 00000028
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00EDC9A9 00000000
$0000 00ED5AA7 00000000
$0000 00EDC98D 00000002

_V0 DOWN+START to Finish Game
$C204 00000000 00000048
$B200 00000001 00000000
$0000 00EDC9A9 00000000
$0000 00ED5AA7 00000000
$0000 00EDC98D 00000002
$0000 00EDC950 00000008