Friday, July 20, 2018

[PCSE01191] Xenon Valkyrie+ [USA] VitaCheat Codes

Tested and confirmed working using legit PSN EBOOT and NoNPDRM EBOOT, both 1.00 and 1.01 versions of the game.
The HP code is not an infinite HP code, since the Inf Shield code makes it unnecessary.
Also, I haven't figured out DMA yet.
9999 Max WPA is not a typo. You have current and max values of WPA, like most games with RPG elements.
Also, Max DEF in-game is 6, so that's what the value in the code is. Feel free to mess with it, if you like.
All codes are 64-bit float values, but most only use the first 8 bits due to laziness.
# PCSE01191 Xenon Valkyrie+

_V0 Max Cells
$0200 83CFFC80 E0000000
$0200 83CFFC84 416312CF

_V0 Max Teamerite
$0200 83CFFD64 412E847E

_V0 Max TP
$0200 83CFFD04 408F3800

_V0 Quick Level Gain
$0200 83CFFD24 3FF00000

_V0 Inf Shield
$0200 83CFFD94 40080000

_V0 9999 HP [NOTE 1]
$0200 83CFFCE4 40C38780
$0200 83CFFCF4 40C38780

_V0 Inf Grenades
$0200 83CFFDC4 40080000

_V0 No Wait for Grenades/Special
$0200 83CFFDA4 40590000
$0200 83CFFDA0 00000000

_V0 Inf Keys
$0200 83CFFD74 40080000

_V0 Inf WPA
$5200 83CFFDE4 83CFFDD4

_V0 9999 Max WPA
$0200 83CFFDD4 40C38780

_V0 9999 STR
$0200 83CFFCB4 40C38780

_V0 Max DEF
$0200 83CFFCA4 40180000

_V0 [1] Enable at base or somewhere a new screen will load
$0000 00000000 00000000