Sunday, May 6, 2018

99Vidas PS3/Vita Save Editing

99Vidas Save Editing

So... I'm not sure if no one's noticed (or if anyone even really likes the game, who knows?), but modding your save file for 99Vidas is really easy.

I mean... really... easy.

VERY IMPORTANT! When you copy your modded save back to your PS3, turn off your internet connection. If you do not, and you have a cloud save, the cloud save will overwrite your save without prompting you, since the PARAM.SFO will not be modified. You can, however, edit the "cloudSyncState" value to zero to prevent it if you'd rather not turn off your network setting. This effectively changes what your answer was when the game initially asks you if you want to enable the cloud save when you first start the game.

First thing you're going to want to do is, of course, decrypt your save using your preferred method.
Here's the US version hash key for those who use Bruteforce (in case you don't feel like pressing F6)
; "99Vidas"
; [NPUB31842]
; disc_hash_key=
Once you've done that, simply open SAVGAME.DAT in either Notepad++ or Wordpad. Any text editor that is going to keep the line breaks and spacing for easy viewing. You can edit various elements of each character, including unlocking hidden ones and setting whether or not that character has finished the game.
The character names don't appear in the file, instead they are numbered according to the list below:
1 - King
2 - Izzy
4 - Fries
3 - Oak!
5 - Sadiv66
6 - Hannah
7 - Trish
9 - Deedee
8 - Rey
10 - Dan
11 - Mike
In each character listing, you'll see the following options:
            "characterID": [#],
            "isUnlocked": [true or false],
            "didCompletedCampaign": [true or false],
            "comboPunch": [current level],
            "comboKick": [current level],
            "blitzPunch": [current level],
            "blitzKick": [current level]
They're all pretty self-explanatory. Edit them as you'd like. For "comboPunch', "comboKick", "blitzPunch", and "blitzKick", set them to three to max them out. If you're trying to get the upgrade trophies, leave at least one at 2 so you can still buy one in the store. This has to be done for each character. No multiple trophy pops.

Same with the "didCompletedCampaign" option: You should be able set all but one character for each group (Mains, Girlfriends, Dan and Mike) to true then finish the game with the remaining character to pop the group trophy. Sadiv66 is all by himself.

Now, if you're looking to still actually play through the game, or you just want to get the end game trophies, you're going to want to scroll down to "stageProgressList".
You'll see the following options:
"stageProgressList": [
    "levelEx1Unlocked": [#],
    "levelEx2Unlocked": [#],
    "gameMode99VidasUnlocked": [#],
    "continueData": {
        "isAvailable": [true or false],
        "selectedDifficulty": [#],
        "inStage": [#],
        "remainingLives": [#],
        "remainingContinues": [#],
        "chosenCharacter": [#],
        "usedSuper": [true or false],
        "isNewGamePlus": [true or false]
Now, I dunno what all the options do, as I kinda just discovered this method accidentally when trying to figure out how to mod my score/experience/money (it's all the same value), so the highest difficulty I've finished at the moment is Normal and "Izzy". I'm not sure what the "levelEx1Unlocked"and "levelEx2Unlocked" options do. My Assumption is they unlock Hard and Elite difficulties, however, finishing the game to unlock Hard Mode changes both values from 0 to 1, but leaves Elite mode locked/not visible, so I dunno.
"gameMode99VidasUnlocked", I believe, works in conjunction with "isNewGamePlus". See below for a little more info.
Now for what I do know for sure:
The numbers under "stageProgressList" are which levels will be available in Stage Select on each difficulty setting. Bonus levels should be available no matter what, so simply set them to 5 to have all stages available. There has to be at least one that's not zero in order for Level Select to be available, and it will only give all levels if it is set to 5. If you decide to set the "inStage" value to 5 to simply finish the game from a continue, make sure you also edit this value, as beating the game this way will not populate that value. You actually have to edit the value (or play through the game) to get this to unlock all the levels in Level Select.
"isAvailable" is pretty self-explanatory, so it needs to be set to true, or the continue option will be grayed out.
"selectedDifficulty" also speaks for itself. 0 is "Izzy", 1 is Normal, 2 is Hard, and 3 is Elite.
"inStage" is the level that will load when you continue. It can be set as follows:
0 - Stage 1
1 - Stage 2
2 - Stage 3
3 - Stage 4
4 - Stage 5
5 - Stage 6
6 - I Am Error Bonus Stage
7 - Spoiler Alert! Bonus Stage
"remainingLives" is, you guessed it, how many lives you have.  I dunno what the max is, but I set it to 200 when I went to beat Elite, and it gave me 200 lives (though you'll probably only need 50-70, depending on skill).
"remainingContinues" is, well, continues remaining. I dunno what the max is for that one, either.
"chosenCharacter" is which character you're playing as. Use the list above to set which one it will be when you load the game.
"usedSuper" is also obvious. Set it to false then don't use your super for the rest of the game to unlock the "I don't believe in Magic Finish the Game without using Magic (Super)" trophy.
"isNewGamePlus" is obvious, too.  Set it as true, and as long as "inStage" is set to zero, New Game+ will replace the Continue option, and if "gameMode99VidasUnlocked" is set to 1, you start a new game with all of your previous score/experience/money and 99 lives.

Scroll a bit further down, and you'll see "amountXP". This is your score/experience/money. Now this value can be as high as 999999999, but since this game has an online Hall of Fame, I don't recommend setting it that high. I dunno what's required to get into the Hall of Fame, but just in case, don't be that guy. Don't go overboard on the score, since you only need 104000 to max out a single character, and 198000 to max out your lives if you have zero left.

I may tinker with the other settings at some point, but I dunno.