Sunday, May 6, 2018

[BLUS30485] Rage [USA] Bruteforce Codes

These codes must be used on your AUTOSAVE. Editing the regular save data either does nothing or corrupts it.

All codes require the item in question to already exist in you inventory. Rage gathers save data into a stack, and I haven't figured out the particulars of adding items that do not exist. If anyone has any ideas, be my guest.
As of now, the save is touchy. Edit certain data, and you corrupt your save.

Happy accident: The way the ammo codes are set up, whichever ammo you have equipped in a particular weapon has not only the stored amount of ammo, but the current clip will have it, too. So basically, if you have the shotgun with Pop Rockets loaded into it, when you edit the save, your clip has 999 rounds, and your reserve has 999 rounds, meaning that you don't have to reload for 999 rounds.
If you do hit the reload button or change ammo, it negates the effect.

Also, near the of the save data is your health. Use this website to convert the amount to a floating-point value (i.e., 100 = 42C80000). Then, search your decrypted _PLAYER file for that value. You will see it twice, side-by-side, and it should be the first two instances that appear in the file. I've overwritten that value as high as 999,999 (497423F0), but I dunno how high you can actually go without borking your save. 999,999 is plenty of health to get you through Ultra Nightmare difficulty without dying. Certain events, like the first time the game forces you to use the Defib will still jack you up, and it will take foooooorever for your screen to lose the red border, but after that, you're golden.

Quick word of advice: if you max out your Feltrite Crystals, sell at least one before going through the Scorchers DLC. Keep at least enough space to pick up one, if not more.
Trust me.

I've also figured out how to give gold medals for all races, and as soon as I decide to stop being lazy, I'll add them.
; BLUS30485
; RAGE ®
;Codes (except for checksums) by eighthdayregret


[red:Must have at least one of listed item in inventory]
[Group:Currency Codes]
[Max Money]
search "currency_unit"
write next (15): 270F

[Max Racing Certificates]
search 0x24000000696E76656E746F72792F63757272656E63792F726163655F636572746966696361746573
write next (42): 270F

[100 Wellspring Racing Certificates Earned]
search 0x2C000000696E76656E746F72792F63757272656E63792F726163655F6365727469666963617465735F61776172646564
write next (51): 64

[100 Subway Town Racing Certifcates Earned]
search "race_certificates_awarded_wl2"
write next (32): 64

[Group: Inventory Codes]

[Group: Inventory Codes\Job Items]
[999 Bandit Skulls for Sally]
search 0x28000000696E76656E746F72792F6A6F626974656D732F70726F6F665F6F665F62616E6469745F6465617468
write next (46): 03E7

[999 Bandit Skulls for Brick]
search 0x2C000000696E76656E746F72792F6A6F626974656D732F70726F6F665F6F665F62616E6469745F64656174685F776C32
write next (50): 03E7

[Group: Inventory Codes\Quick Use]
[99 Adrenaline Overdrives]
search "adrenaline_boost"
write next (19): 63

[99 Bandages]
search "inventory/health/bandages"
write next (28): 63

[99 EMP Grenades]
search "grenade/emp"
write next (14): 63

[99 HE Grenades]
search "throwable/grenade/highexplosive"
write next (34): 63

[99 RC Bomb Cars]
search 0x1800000076656869636C652F7263626F6D62636F6E74726F6C6C6572
write next (31): 63

[99 Advanced RC Bomb Cars]
search "vehicle/rcbombcontroller_upgrade"
write next (35): 63

[99 Sentry Bots]
search 0x140000006465706C6F7961626C652F73656E747279626F74
write next (27): 63

[99 Advanced Sentry Bots]
search "deployable/sentrybotupgrade"
write next (30): 63

[99 Sentry Turrets]
search 0x110000006465706C6F7961626C652F747572726574
write next (24): 63

[99 Advanced Sentry Turrets]
search "deployable/turretfull"
write next (24): 63

[99 Wingsticks]
search 0x130000007468726F7761626C652F77696E67737469636B00
write next (26): 63

[99 Advanced Wingsticks]
search "throwable/wingstick_multitarget"
write next (34): 63

[9999 Apophis Infusions]
search "health_builder"
write next (16): 270F

[9999 Authority Augmenters]
search "authorityboost/authorityboost"
write next (31): 270F

[9999 Regenerative Infusions]
search "health/health_regen_pack"
write next (26): 270F

[Group: Inventory Codes\Ingredients]
[999 Antiseptic Formulas]
search "ingredients/antiseptic"
write next (24): 03E7

[999 Cloth Rags]
search "clothrags"
write next (11): 03E7

[999 Comet Blooms]
search "ingredients/comet_bloom"
write next (25): 03E7

[999 Desert Spore]
search "ingredients/desert_spore"
write next (26): 03E7

[999 Electrical Wire Kits]
search "electricalwirekit"
write next (19): 03E7

[999 Explosive Packs]
search "explosive_pack"
write next (16): 03E7

[999 Feltrite Couplers]
search "feltrite_coupler"
write next (18): 03E7

[999 Feltrite Power Packs]
search "feltrite_power_pack"
write next (21): 03E7

[999 Ghost Toxins]
search "ghost_toxin"
write next (13): 03E7

[999 Hardware Packets]
search "hardwarepacket"
write next (16): 03E7

[999 Mutant Adrenal Glands]
search "mutantpheromones"
write next (18): 03E7

[999 Nanotrite Conduits]
search "nanotriteconduit"
write next (18): 03E7

[999 Night Blossoms]
search "ingredients/night_blossom"
write next (27): 03E7

[999 Ordnance Packs]
search "ordnance_pack"
write next (15): 03E7

[999 RC Car Kits]
search "rc_carkit"
write next (11): 03E7

[999 Small Battery Packs]
search "battery"
write next (9): 03E7

[999 Small Gears]
search "smallgears"
write next (12): 03E7

[999 Steel Blades]
search "ingredients/steel_blades"
write next (26): 03E7

[999 Turret Barrels]
search "turret_barrel"
write next (15): 03E7

[999 Vials of Blueshine]
search "vial_blueshine"
write next (16): 03E7

[Group: Inventory Codes\Sellable]
[99 Lock Grinders]
search "inventory/lockgrinder"
write next (24): 63

[9999 Beer Bottles]
search "beer_group"
write next (12): 270F

[9999 Books]
search "book_group"
write next (12): 270F

[9999 Feltrite Crystals]
search "sellable/feltrite"
write next (19): 270F

[9999 Food Cans]
search "food_group"
write next (12): 270F

[9999 Gas Liters]
search "gas_group"
write next (11): 270F

[9999 Oil Liters]
search "oil_group"
write next (11): 270F

[9999 Pinkies]
search "rare/pinkies"
write next (14): 270F

[9999 Small Objects]
search "junk_group"
write next (12): 270F

[9999 Tools]
search "tools_group"
write next (13): 270F

[9999 Water Purifiers]
search "water_purifier"
write next (16): 270F

[Group: Inventory Codes\Unique Items]
[9999 Blake Bobble Heads]
search "rare/bobblehead_blake"
write next (23): 270F

[9999 Doom Marine Bobbleheads]
search "rare/bobblehead_doom"
write next (22): 270F

[9999 Quayola Quayons]
search "rare/crayons"
write next (14): 270F

[9999 Shambler Plushes]
search "rare/shambler_plush_doll"
write next (26): 270F

[9999 Vault Boy Bobbleheads]
search "rare/bobblehead_fallout"
write next (25): 270F

[9999 Wolf Goblets]
search "rare/goblet"
write next (13): 270F

[Group: Inventory Codes\Vehicle Quick Use]
[999 Aftershockers]
search "aftershocker"
write next (14): 03E7

[999 Armor Restores]
search "repairbot"
write next (11): 03E7

[999 Drop Mines]
search "stickybomb"
write next (12): 03E7
search "quickuse/stickybomb"
write next (21): 03E7

[999 Escort Bombs]
search "roverbomb"
write next (11): 03E7

[999 Hover Turrets]
search "hoverturret"
write next (13): 03E7

[999 Shields]
search "quickuse/shield"
write next (17): 03E7

[Group:Ammo Codes]
[Group:Ammo Codes\Pistol Ammo]
[Max Standard Pistol Rounds]
search "pistol/standard"
write next (17): 03E7
search "pistol/standard":2
write next (17): 03E7

[Max Fatboys]
search "fatboys"
write next (9): 03E7
search "fatboys":2
write next (9): 03E7

[Max Killbursts]
search "killburst"
write next (11): 03E7
search "killburst":2
write next (11): 03E7

[Max Fat Mammas]
search "fatmamma"
write next (10): 03E7
search "fatmamma":2
write next (10): 03E7

[Group:Ammo Codes\Crossbow Ammo]
[Max Steel-Tipped Bolts]
search "steeltip"
write next (10): 03E7
search "steeltip":2
write next (10): 03E7

[Max Electro Bolts]
search "crossbow/electric"
write next (19): 03E7
search "crossbow/electric":2
write next (19): 03E7

[Max Mind Control Bolts]
search "crossbow/controller"
write next (21): 03E7
search "crossbow/controller":2
write next (21): 03E7

[Max Dynamite Bolts]
search "crossbow/dynamite"
write next (19): 03E7
search "crossbow/dynamite":2
write next (19): 03E7

[Group:Ammo Codes\Sniper Rifle Ammo]
[Max Sniper Rounds]
search "rifle/standard"
write next (16): 03E7
search "rifle/standard":2
write next (16): 03E7

[Group:Ammo Codes\Shotgun Ammo]
[Max Buckshot]
search "buckshot_standard"
write next (19): 03E7
search "buckshot_standard":2
write next (19): 03E7
search "buckshot_standard":3
write next (19): 03E7

[Max Pulse Shot]
search "shotgun/plasma"
write next (16): 03E7
search "shotgun/plasma":2
write next (16): 03E7
search "shotgun/plasma":3
write next (16): 03E7

[Max Pop Rockets]
search "shotgun/poprocket"
write next (19): 03E7
search "shotgun/poprocket":2
write next (19): 03E7
search "shotgun/poprocket":3
write next (19): 03E7

[Group:Ammo Codes\Assault Rifle Ammo]
[Max Steel AR Rounds]
search "settlermachinegun/standard"
write next (28): 03E7
search "settlermachinegun/standard":2
write next (28): 03E7

[Max Feltrite AR Rounds]
search "settlermachinegun/doubletippedap"
write next (34): 03E7
search "settlermachinegun/doubletippedap":2
write next (34): 03E7

[Group:Ammo Codes\Authority Machine Gun Ammo]
[Max Authority MG Rounds]
search "regimemachinegun/standard"
write next (27): 03E7
search "regimemachinegun/standard":2
write next (27): 03E7

[Max Authority AV2x Rounds]
search "regimemachinegun/doubletippedap"
write next (33): 03E7
search "regimemachinegun/doubletippedap":2
write next (33): 03E7

[Group:Ammo Codes\Rocket Launcher Ammo]
[Max HE Rockets]
search "regimerocketlauncher/standard"
write next (31): 03E7
search "regimerocketlauncher/standard":2
write next (31): 03E7

[Max Viper Rockets]
search "stinger"
write next (9): 03E7
search "stinger":2
write next (9): 03E7

[Group:Ammo Codes\Authority Pulse Cannon Ammo]
[Max Authority Pulse Rounds]
search "plasmarifle/standard"
write next (22): 03E7
search "plasmarifle/standard":2
write next (22): 03E7

[Max BFG Rounds]
search "plasmarifle/slowbigburst"
write next (26): 03E7
search "plasmarifle/slowbigburst":2
write next (26): 03E7

[Group:Ammo Codes\Nailgun Ammo (DLC)]
[Max Nails]
search "nailgun/nail"
write next (14): 03E7
search "nailgun/nail":2
write next (14): 03E7

[Max Rebar]
search "nailgun/impale"
write next (16): 03E7
search "nailgun/impale":2
write next (16): 03E7

[Max Railgun Slugs]
search "nailgun/rail"
write next (15): 14
search "nailgun/rail":2
write next (15): 14

[Group:Ammo Codes\Vehicle Ammo]
[Max Minigun Ammo]
search "bullet_chaingun"
write next (17): 270F

[Max Homing Rockets]
search "homing_c2"
write next (11): 270F

[Max Pulse Ammo]
search "pulse"
write next (7): 270F


[Update MD5_XOR for _PROF (Required)]
;set range:0x000000,0x00039B
set pointer:eof-7
set range:0x000000,pointer
set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;write at 0x005951:[hash]
set pointer:eof-7
write next (0):[hash]
set [hash]:0
;set range:0x000000,0x00039E
set pointer:eof-3
set range:0x000000,pointer
set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;write at 0x00039F:[hash]
set pointer:eof-3
write next (0):[hash]

[Update MD5_XOR for _PLAYER (Required)]
;set range:0x000000,0x005954
set pointer:eof-3
set range:0x000000,pointer
set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;write at 0x005955:[hash]
set pointer:eof-3
write next (0):[hash]


[Update MD5_XOR for _DETAILS (Required)]
;set range:0x000000,0x00018F
set pointer:eof-3
set range:0x000000,pointer
set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;write at 0x000190:[hash]
set pointer:eof-3
write next (0):[hash]



[Update MD5_XOR for _DETAILS (Required)]
;set range:0x000000,0x00018F
set pointer:eof-3
set range:0x000000,pointer
set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;write at 0x000190:[hash]
set pointer:eof-3
write next (0):[hash]


[Update MD5_XOR for _PLAYER (Required)]
;set range:0x000000,0x005950
set pointer:eof-7
set range:0x000000,pointer
set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;write at 0x005951:[hash]
set pointer:eof-7
write next (0):[hash]
set [hash]:0
;set range:0x000000,0x005954
set pointer:eof-3
set range:0x000000,pointer
set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;write at 0x005955:[hash]
set pointer:eof-3
write next (0):[hash]


;[Update MD5_XOR for _PROF (Required)]
;;set range:0x000000,0x00039B
;set pointer:eof-7
;set range:0x000000,pointer
;set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;;write at 0x005951:[hash]
;set pointer:eof-7
;write next (0):[hash]
;set [hash]:0
;;set range:0x000000,0x00039E
;set pointer:eof-3
;set range:0x000000,pointer
;set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;;write at 0x00039F:[hash]
;set pointer:eof-3
;write next (0):[hash]

;[Update MD5_XOR for _PLAYER (Required)]
;;set range:0x000000,0x005954
;set pointer:eof-3
;set range:0x000000,pointer
;set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;;write at 0x005955:[hash]
;set pointer:eof-3
;write next (0):[hash]


;[Update MD5_XOR for _DETAILS (Required)]
;;set range:0x000000,0x00018F
;set pointer:eof-3
;set range:0x000000,pointer
;set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;;write at 0x000190:[hash]
;set pointer:eof-3
;write next (0):[hash]



;[Update MD5_XOR for _DETAILS (Required)]
;;set range:0x000000,0x00018F
;set pointer:eof-3
;set range:0x000000,pointer
;set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;;write at 0x000190:[hash]
;set pointer:eof-3
;write next (0):[hash]


;[Update MD5_XOR for _PLAYER (Required)]
;;set range:0x000000,0x005950
;set pointer:eof-7
;set range:0x000000,pointer
;set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;;write at 0x005951:[hash]
;set pointer:eof-7
;write next (0):[hash]
;set [hash]:0
;;set range:0x000000,0x005954
;set pointer:eof-3
;set range:0x000000,pointer
;set [hash]:MD5_XOR
;;write at 0x005955:[hash]
;set pointer:eof-3
;write next (0):[hash]